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Up to date stat calculator for your needs with items, skill information and more.
  1. Epi Info Statcalc
  2. Stat Calculator Ragnarok
  3. Stat Calc Ragnarok
  4. Stat Calc
  5. Danielsoper Statcalc 3 Calc

Epi Info Statcalc

Information you should read before using:

Statcalc sample size and power

Stat Calculator Ragnarok

Jan 01, 1984  STATCALC data files correspond to columns of the data array, and are identified by a name of eight or fewer alpha-numeric characters. 'STATCALC' COMMANDS STATCALC is a command-driven (as opposed to menu-driven) statistical system, and features a simple language in which the 34 available com- mands are expressed. Survey software for online/Web surveys, paper surveys, email surveys, and interviewing. Outstanding crosstab and banner tables and statistical analysis.

Off-hand's stats aren't included when using two-handed weapon.
Character class isn't checked for passives, remember to clear other classes.
Duplicated items means their stats differ from each other. Added Defense and Magic Resistance shown next to name in selection. (Does not include refine. If unsure, check armory.)
Secret key added to profiles. If you set a secret key, you can update the profile. To update old profile, first open it and save it with Update box checked. (Does not work for profiles without secret key)
When saving profile, check hidden for the profile not to be listed. Profile will be shown on the list only for you (browser/cookie dependent).
Buff formula is wrong (should be somewhat accurate).
Scroll formula is wrong (should be somewhat accurate). Based on your int, not sure about party scrolls.
Decimal added to stats. Client will floor the number (eg. 136.7 will show up as 136).
Changed character preview to something more appropriate (thanks to Sir_Kane). To use WebGL, usage of Chrome is recommended.

You can look for items here: Armory v2

Stat Calc Ragnarok

See also Skill Calculator.

Stat Calc


Danielsoper Statcalc 3 Calc

StatCalc is a plugin for calculating how your character's ratings and percentages will change after increases or reductions to different stats.
Show and update window: /statcalc
Show and reset window: /statcalc reset
Toggle window: /statcalc toggle
Switch to English: /statcalc english
Switch to German: /statcalc german
The default language should match your client, however I don't have a multilingual client to test this. The default language can also be overriden with a configuration option in the source.
Known issues:
  1. Does not work in Monster Play. Works in Session Play, but I haven't tested them all.
  2. English and German only currently.
  3. The plugin is unaware of morale multipliers, such as the Lore-master trait Master of the Staff.
  4. The plugin is unaware of direct percentage bonuses, such as the Race of Man passive skill Easily Inspired's 5% bonus to incoming healing.
  5. The plugin is only calculates base crit and base resistance, ignoring subtypes such as melee crit and poison resistance.
  6. Caps on Critical Magnitude and Critical Defence are unknown.

Version History:
  • 10.1 adjusted fate's icpr contribution
  • 10 New version numbering to match LoTRO updates. Updated agility, will, fate, critical defence, champions, wardens. Switched hunters to ranged offence, for cases where ranged and melee differ. Added critical magnitude. Fixed high offence? (which I can't test as I have crummy gear)
  • 0.92 Fixed a stupid error in ResetWindow that I introduced in 0.91
  • 0.91 Added German translation, thanks to Amethadan. Removed '/statcalc hide', added '/statcalc toggle'.
  • 0.9 initial release

Thanks to Alad and the contributors to the thread:

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