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Colt Officers Model 22 Revolver Serial Numbers

We offeryou a 'Gorgeous' 3rd Issue Colt Officer's Model 'Target' revolver chambered in .22Long Rifle with a 6' barrel. The left side of the barrel is marked “COLT /OFFICERS / MODEL / .22 LONG RIFLE'. The top of the barrel is marked “COLT’SPT. F.A. MFG. CO. HARTFORD, CT. U.S.A. / PAT'D AUG 5, 1884 JULY 4, 1905 OCT5, 1926”. ”. The left side plate is marked with a rampant colt logo.The crane flat is marked “21350 / C”, and the crane is marked “21350”. Theleft side of the trigger guard is marked with “VP” in a triangle at thefront and a “Y” at the back. The serial number tells us it was manufacturedin 1939 making it 81 years old. The gripsare checkered walnut with deep set silver Colt medallions. They are inexcellent condition with a few marks and small dings. It wears an elevation adjustable front and windage adjustable rear with both frontsights adjustment screws being clean and not messed up. The cylinder hasslight play when at rest but is tight at lock-up. The bore is in excellentcondition with no issues. It appears the pistol was refinished some timeago. The bluing is in excellent condition with some light marks and wearfrom use. There are some very small 'pin-prick' spots of pitting on theright side of the frame and a small area on the cylinder. We haveshown the complete pistol in the pictures for your consideration.

If so, I believe that your revolver was made during 1937 (serial numbers started at 602,000 and in 1938 at 622,000 - but this included the Official Police service revolvers as well as Officers Model Target guns that were made that year. The heavy barrel was originally offered on the larger New Service Target and Shooting Master model revolvers. Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. . Any guns above serial number 40300 are considered to be modern under the 1968 Firearms Laws. Colt Model 1878 were manufactured in the following caliber's: 22, 32, 32-20, 38 COLT, 38-40, 44 Russian, 44-40 Frontier, 45 Colt, 450 Boxer, 455 Enfield, 476 Enfield. Last serial number produced: 51210.

This will be shipped fully insured to your FFL dealer or C&R USPS Priority Mailwith signature required for $28.

  • I plugged the serial number into Colt's website's Serial Number Lookup.Colt Automatic Pistols is dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of military and commercial Colt pistols, Colt revolvers, Colt firearms and accessories.Walter J. Kuleck: Colt 'McCormick Racer' Officers Model This is a Very Special Limited Run of 45Acp Series Co-made.
  • Colt Official Police Production Information in same serial number range as Army Special also Mk III series, Lawman, Metropolitan, Officers Model Match and Trooper: Year: Serial Number Range: Year: Serial Number Range: 1927: 599: 1953: 849: 1928: 599: 1954: 899: 1929: 599: 1955: 899.

Bid with CONFIDENCE ~Dust 2Dollars has conducted over 32,800 auctions in our 20 years in business! As wellas being an 'FFL' Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer with over 22,800 positivefeedbacks from Internet sales.
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Inspection Period ~ All firearms come with a 3-day inspection privilegethat begins the day of delivery. It is your responsibility to inspect the gun inthat time frame. In the case of a return, buyer pays all shipping. This does notcover items damaged in shipment; you must save the damaged shipping box and allpackaging and inform us so we can file a claim with the appropriate shippingcompany. All items must be in the exact condition that they left us in. Theinspection period does not include the firing of the firearm. If the buyer doesfire the firearm at any time during the inspection period, the sale isconsidered final and no returns will be accepted. Inspection consists ofexternal examination, functioning of the action by hand to see it operates,checking bore and having headspace checked by a gunsmith. No further disassemblyis permitted, which includes but not limited to turning any screws or removingany punch pins.
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In 1904 Colt introduced it's first medium frame double actiontarget model revolver as the Colt Officer's Model.

From then to 1969 Colt would produce versions of this underseveral names.

The Officer's Model was always Colt's premium revolver untilthe introduction of the super-premium Python in 1955.

In the days when the revolver was King of the Matches, theOfficer's models were always the favorite of the champions and Colt's held allthe records.

The Officer's Model, First Issue

The first version was the Office's Model and was based on theColt New Army & Navy revolvers.

Old Colt Revolvers Serial Numbers

It was introduced in 1904 and produced until 1908.

It was made in .38 Colt Long, and .38 Special.

It had a flat top frame with adjustable target front and rearsights, and a 6' barrel.

Grips were fancy checkered walnut with no Colt medallion.

Officer's Model, FirstIssue.

Based on the New Army& Navy model

The Officers Model, Second Issue

The Second Issue had the new and improved action as used onthe Army Special of 1908.

The second version was made from 1908 to 1926.

Colt Officers Model 22 Revolver Serial Numbers For Sale

Calibers were .32 Colt, and .38 Special.

It offered more variations in barrel length with 4', 41/2', 5', 6', and 7 1/2'.

Grips were checkered walnut with deep set silver Coltmedallions standard from 1913 to 1923.

Officer's Model,Second Issue

Based on the ArmySpecial/Official Police

Colt officers model revolver history

The Officer's Model Target, Third Issue

Colt Officers Model 22 Revolver Serial Numbers List

The Officer's Model Target was introduced in 1927 and madeuntil 1949.

Calibers were .22LR, .32 Colt, and .38 Special, with the .32Colt only available pre-war.

In 1935 a heavy barrel was made available as an option.

Post-war only the 6' barrel was offered.

Grips were checkered walnut with silver medallions.

The Officer's Model Special, Fourth issue

The Officer's Model Special was Colt's first upgradepost-war.

Post-war Colt began assigning letter codes to framesizes.The medium frame as used on theOfficial Police and Officer's Models was the Colt 'E' frame. Yahweh the two faced god ebook download.

The Officer's Model Special was made only from 1949 to 1952

It had an extra heavy, untapered 'Bull' barrel andthe Coltmaster fully adjustable rear sight that was offered only on thisrevolver.

A new style hammer was introduced, and the post-war typecylinder retention system was used.Checkering of the hammer, trigger, and cylinder latch wasdiscontinued.

Calibers were .22LR and .38 Special.

Barrel was 6'.

Grips were reddish-brown 'Coltwood' Service typeplastic.

Finish was blue.


The Officer's Model Match, Fifth Issue

The Officer's Model Match was made from 1953 to 1969.

Colt Officers Model 22 Revolver Serial Numbers Lookup Free

Calibers were .22LR, .22 Magnum, and .38 Special.

Genie games to play. Barrel was 6' heavy tapered.

The rear sight was Colt's new Accro fully adjustable modelthat would be used on almost all post-war Colt pistols and revolvers that usedadjustable sights.

The hammer was Colt's new long, wide diamond-checkered Targethammer that became famous on the Colt Python. Ras legend free slot game.

Finish was blue, with bright nickel being rare.

Grips were Colt's new Target type fully checkered walnut withsilver medallions.

As a factory option, the Officer's Model Match could bespecial ordered in a single action-only version.Genuine factory models are rare.


The Officer's Model Match Mark III, Sixth issue

In 1969 Colt discontinued all the older type medium actionrevolvers except for the Python.

The replacement was the new Colt 'J' frame transferbar safety-ignition system that required much less hand fitting.

Colt offered a number of versions made with the new framedesign to correspond to the older types.

The replacement for the Officer's Model Match was theOfficer's Model Match Mark III.

This was basically a version of the Trooper Mark III, only in.38 Special, with a vented rib 6' barrel and a Patridge Target frontsight.

It had a wide spur Target hammer, a grooved trigger and MarkIII type Target grips.

Finish was blue. Scrapebox license key.

Colt made 496 in 1969 to 1971, with most apparently shippedto Europe. Latest scrivener 2.5 crack mac free full version 2016.


Colt Officers Model 22 Revolver Serial Numbers
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